Microbiome-friendly is the new big trend

Press review on our seal.
In order to tell if we are keeping pace with the times, we are reviewing press releases on the microbiome – and of course on our seal "Microbiome-friendly" itself. Here is a short summary of the last weeks.
We are delighted to be able to present to you the article of wonderful Sarah Kampitsch, blogger at Beauty Independent. The writing of November 2019, nails what our mission is and we encourage everyone to read it in total: Skincare Can Be Certified Cruelty-Free, Vegan And Organic. Now, A New Certifier Validates It’s Microbiome-Friendly, Too.
Another blog entry worth reading was published by the talented chemist and blogger Elham Eghbali, PhD on Skin Chakra: What the hell is microbiome-friendly? For those of you who are a bit short in time, here are the key messages in a nutshell:
Educational work on the topic of microbiome
Interestingly, even beauty blogs like Beauty Independent and Skin Chakra seem to find it necessary to explain to their readers what the microbiome actually is, as both articles start off with a brief introduction into the whole issue. This reassures us about our awareness campaign that we are aiming at by our newsletter and homepage. At the same time, the microbiome is seen as the new big (and lasting) trend – after vegan and sustainable. And that’s, of course, exactly what we consider it! We are especially honored by Elham Eghbali and her scientifically sound judge that our microbiome-friendly seal is the only really relevant on the market!
If you ask my humble opinion, this is the most reasonable certification in the whole world of cosmetic industry at the moment."
Elham Eghbali, PhD
Both bloggers bluntly summarize what we are all doing wrong to our microbiome. Mankind as a species that is not giving birth naturally; and not naturally nursing our offspring with what nature had in mind for, shows what kind of a degenerated bunch we are. Antibiotics, excessive hygiene, a lifestyle far from nature, and industrially highly processed food are doing the rest to our microbiome. All those of you who would like to indulge in the issue “microbiome-friendly from day 1 on”, we would like to encourage to further read here about Dr. Rob Knight and his findings: Is dirt good? Excessive Hygiene and the Immune System.
What shall we do? Nothing, at best.
The ideal state of the human body is far from any influence of the modern world and we are best off when we are exposing ourselves as little as possible to the so-called 1stworld amenities. But, like it or not, we are all living in this “unnatural” century, so we have to cope with that and sooner or later correct a bit here and adjust a bit there. Not to mention the social pressure of using deodorants and the likes. So, the solution is obvious: as we cannot completely avoid applications, we should keep them as microbiome-friendly as possible.
The cosmetics industry has already understood that and is doing intense research on the topic. For further reading on the matter, see our article on the recent development: Cosmetics industries puts skin microbiome into focus.
Many promises – one seal
But the most important thing is – and we go along with the two bloggers here – the market is gradually seeing the importance of preserving our microbiome. And also the customers are demanding such microbiome-friendly products and are also happy to spend a bit extra money to make sure a product keeps its promises. What was missing, so far, was a clear and manufacturer-independent definition of what is actually microbiome-friendly and what is not. And this is where we come in! (Manufacturers, please follow this link for further details: Microbiome-friendly). So, we are very much looking forward to meeting the market’s demand and presenting many microbiome-friendly products too.
A warm thank you to Sarah Kampitsch and Elham Eghbali for the references and we are looking forward to the upcoming exciting times!
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- Microbiome-friendly