by Lisa Keilhofer

Natural ingredients, handled with scientific precision: Lipoid Kosmetik earns “Microbiome-friendly” seal

Lipoid Kosmetik earns Microbiome-friendly seal

It has become a much-loved tradition for us to introduce you to the customers that successfully passed our tests and were certified “microbiome-friendly”. We have the chance to meet so many interesting, inspiring, creative people that we have decided to not only recommend products, but also tell you a bit about the brand behind. And this is what we would like to do for our latest member in the “microbiome-friendly” family: Lipoid Kosmetik from Switzerland that is producing plant-based extracts and actives, and Lipoid GmbH from Germany that produces natural lecithin and phospholipids on Pharma-grade level. For 45 years, they are pioneers in the production of natural, yet high-quality raw material for cosmetics and personal care.

Establishment of Lipoid Kosmetik AG

Founded in 1972 in Central Switzerland Cosmetochem AG focused on products from plant extracts. In 2007, the now internationally working business was taken over by the successful German Lipoid GmbH. In 2013, the merged their expertise in cosmetics and founded Lipoid Kosmetik AG.

Thoughtful, sustainable, clever products

The product portfolio can be divided into the categories actives, botanicals, and phospholipids. A total of over 350 plants of best quality form basis for the extracts. They are found from the alpine areas to the coast and are processed in meticulous lab work by combining different solvent systems more than 800 natural or plant-based products. The production processes are run with greatest accuracy, always keeping an eye on sustainability and comprehensive supply chains.

The merge of Swiss precision and German quality awareness makes Lipoid Kosmetik not only a follow impeccable production processes, but also social responsibility within the company and beyond. High ambitions regarding sustainability, climate protection, and social responsibility were achieved and awarded with various prizes, such as the almost annual EcoVadis prize for excellent sustainability, as well as the awards “ecocert” and Outstanding Contribution to Natural Cosmetics by the Capital Finance International ( magazine.

Now also “microbiome-friendly” certified

We had the pleasure to test the products usNeo™, Cranberry Pro, and Yogurtolin®.

usNeo™ is a multi-purpose active from the lichen Usnea barbata. It is mainly used as an anti-dandruff component in shampoos, but also reducing and regulating acne and body odor. It advertises with a microbe-balancing effect, so we were curious to find out how it would affect the skin microbiome. We are happy to announce that, with the tested concentration, the skin microbiome is not impaired according to the MyMicrobiome Standard 18.10.

Cranberry Pro is a new cosmetic active ingredient that shows regulating effects on the skin’s biofilm without showing biocidal effects, meaning it selectively depletes pathogenic bacteria in biofilm, and therefore supports the natural balance of the skin microbiome. Also, for Cranberry Pro, we can confirm the product to be “microbiome-friendly” according to MyMicrobiome Standard 18.10.

Last but not least, the brand-new ingredient Yogurtolin®, a prebiotic yogurt concentrate. With its mild formulation it is especially suitable for sensitive skin and our high-standard labs could also confirm it to be “microbiome-friendly”.

Why we recommend Lipoid Kosmetik to producers of cosmetics and body care products

The work of Lipoid Kosmetik convinced us by accurate diligence, far-sightedness, and love for the cause. We wish the company continued success and pioneering spirit in the development of microbiome-friendly ingredients.

The MyMicrobiome team

Lisa Keilhofer
Lisa Keilhofer

Lisa Keilhofer studied at the University of Regensburg. She works in internationalization and as a freelance editor.

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