by Lisa Keilhofer

CRUDE earns "Microbiome-friendly" seal – as first soap-free cleanser/wash

“The skin care of the future is that of your ancestors”. This is the slogan of the US beauty brand CRUDE. An approach that strikes a chord with us – and that sounds Microbiome-friendly, generally. At least, this is what the last years of lab runs, studies and examinations prove to be the quintessence of being Microbiome-friendly: Less of what great grandmother did not know. Of course, this is very simplified. Not all of what great grandma was creaming in her hair and face was applicable, and some things are simply strange from today's point of view. But of course, CRUDE also knows this and the products are anything but old-fashioned.

Fine oils such as from lemon and grapefruit and formulations built on aloe vera – this does not sound like great granny’s makeshift mush. We have had a closer look now on two products of the CRUDE portfolio and after our lab runs, we are happy to confirm that both products have successfully passed the test are now officially labeled “microbiome-friendly”: CRUDE Wash and CRUDE Cleanse.

CRUDE Wash - Soapless Body Cleanser + Lotion

“CRUDE Wash” is a cleansing emulsion to earn the “Microbiome-friendly” seal. The formula is based on aloe vera gel and supports the skin’s natural homeostasis instead of hindering it, like many other cleansers do. This is why “Wash” is compatible with all body areas, including private parts, and can also be applied on delicate infants’ skin. What a good starter into a “Microbiome-friendly” body care!

CRUDE Cleanse - Oil Cleanser, Makeup Remover + Moisturizer

“CRUDE Cleanse” is the ideal remover for make-up and dirt residues that accumulate on our faces throughout the day. The oil cleanser is meant for all skin types, regulates sebum production and fosters the skin’s self-healing powers. Before and after pictures on the CRUDE webpage show impressive results of happy customers. And we were impressed by the Microbiome-friendly ingredients.

What is behind the brand?

As many good things, CRUDE was invented on the kitchen table, where founder Denise Cartwright was experimenting on acne applications. One oil showed particularly positive results and soon was handed on to family, friends, and further on. It became the initial impulse for the brand CRUDE. As the name says, CRUDE is free from sulfates, parabens, fragrances or other artificial additives – and is perfectly in line with the spirit of times. Clean Beauty is about to revolutionize the US beauty market.

Besides, CRUDE is hosting events like the latest “Balancing the Biome” online workshop for all actors around the microbiome. With the intakes, CRUDE supports projects of indigenous women and their local communities. We are happy to welcome CRUDE in our “Microbiome-friendly” family and are looking forward to further products.

Lisa Keilhofer
Lisa Keilhofer

Lisa Keilhofer studied at the University of Regensburg. She works in internationalization and as a freelance editor.

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