Dr. Kristin Neumann
Author & Founder of MyMicrobiome
Hello, my name's Kristin and I am a professional microbiologist.
I studied molecular biology because I was always curious about how life functions. Upon finishing my PhD, I held some very idealistic views about wanting a job that would serve mankind. I was very lucky when I was hired by a company that developed new antibacterial agents. Back when I joined the company in 2012, it was high time to find a solution for the 'post-antibiotic' era. We succeeded, but there's still a long journey ahead until a new technology finally makes its way onto the shelves of a pharmacy near you. During my time at this company, located in beautiful Regensburg, Germany, we've been confronted more and more with the damaging effects that antibiotics wreak upon our bodies. The technique we implement is superior to antibiotics because it works selectively. Since this concerns everyone's health, including my own, I wanted to know more about our microbiome – a topic which has been conveniently ignored for so long. Even when I was studying at university, no one ever talked about it. This is why I wanted to create a website for people like you: people who are curious about how our body functions.
The close synergy between me and my bacteria is so amazing! So anyone who wishes to know more about how we can nourish our symbionts in such a way that we ultimately do something good for ourselves, I invite you to immerse yourself in the various topics and to open animated discussions about what concerns us all: our health.